Bank Holiday & PLT Closures

Non-urgent advice: Sudbury Surgery & Dispensary

The Surgery and Dispensary will be closed from 11:30.

Need medical advice urgently?

During our closed hours, if you need to speak to a GP urgently, please see below for contact numbers and information:

Between 13:30-18:30 call 0300 123 5491
Between 18:30 – 08:00 call NHS 111

If it is a medical emergency, please contact 999.

Non-urgent advice: Tutbury Surgery

The Surgery will be closed from 13:30

Need medical advice urgently?

During our closed hours, if you need to speak to a GP urgently, please see below for contact numbers and information:

Between 13:30-18:30 call 0300 123 5491
Between 18:30 – 08:00 call NHS 111

If it is a medical emergency, please contact 999.

Bank Holidays

DateDay of the weekBank holiday
18 AprilFridayGood Friday
21 AprilMondayEaster Monday
5 MayMondayEarly May bank holiday
26 MayMondaySpring bank holiday
25 AugustMondaySummer bank holiday
25 DecemberThursdayChristmas Day
26 DecemberFridayBoxing Day

Closed for half day protected learning times (from 13:30pm)

JanuaryTuesday 7th January
FebruaryThursday 6th February
MarchTuesday 18th March
AprilWednesday 30th April
MayThursday 15th May
JuneTuesday 10th June
JulyWednesday 16th July
SeptemberWednesday 24th September
OctoberThursday 16th October
NovemberTuesday 11th November